Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Instead of carrying along a new novel to school today, I brought one of the many TIME Magazines from home. To expand my vocabulary, I read the articles in the October (2011) issue of Time Magazine during the mini breaks we took during study time today. I noticed so many words I've never seen before used in the articles, such as:

indefatigable: Persisting tirelessly; untiring.
Synonym: tireless
(This adjective (very new to me) was used to describe the popular comic-strip hero, Tin-Tin.)

pomp: 1) a ceremonial or festival display, 2)a show of magnificence
(I found this word in an article about a Royal Wedding in Bhutan, it was a big celebration that ended before a stadium of 50,000 onlookers!)

repatriation: to restore or return to the country of origin, allegiance, or citizenship

I learned more binomials too! And 2 new extra words from a riddle.
See if you can figure this one out...
What word has 5 vowels in alphabetical sequence?
The answer is...Facetious and Abstemious
Did you get it correct? I didn't when we were asked to solve it this morning.
Facetious, pronounced pha-see-cious, means not serious. And abstemious, which means not indulgent.

I learned SO MUCH today but unfortunately, I won't be writing much because I have a test to revise over and over again. I'm aiming for a full mark so I'd better buck up and read more! So time to put Lady Antebellum on pause, plug out my earphones, grab my book and start reading~

Goodbye! I shall update on the result! :)

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