Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Idioms not Idiots

Right now I have to study for my English test tomorrow. And so far we've learn about Binomials and Idioms. Teacher Michael (My very awesome English teacher from Georgia) advised us to revise and study though the list of idioms and binomials he taught us over the last couple of weeks.

So I thought it would be excellent and helpful if I wrote a small paragraph or passage using the binomials and idioms I have learned over the last few classes. This small exercise could help me understand how to make use of the idioms and binomials. If you happen to stumble upon my blog and read this blog post, and if you're better or good in English, please do correct me :)

"Today my Dad brought back a huge blender like the ones you see at Starbucks. My Mom couldn't make heads or tails on how to use the bells and whistles this new blender had to offer. My Dad hadn't consider the pro's and con's of the new blender but he was so eager and excited to use the new blender win, lose, or draw. My Dad was starting to make my Mom's blood boil by pestering her to try out the new blender quickly. He was clearly barking up the wrong tree. I decided to help my frustrated and annoyed Mom out by reading the manual for this blender.

Lost in the manual, I hadn't notice that my Mom had gone into the kitchen where the blender was. Although she wasn't ready, willing, and able, she got so sick of hearing my Dad's whines so she turned on the blender and went ahead to make him juice. Apparently, my Dad was proud of his choice of blender and went blowing his own trumpet about how smart he is when picking electronics out while Mom rolled her eyes."

blue italics= binomials and trinomials

red italics= idioms

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